
Medication Log for Child Foster Care Homes

Easy to use digital medication log and medication administration record for child foster homes. Reduce manual printable medication log record keeping and improve efficiency, all while preventing medication errors.

MedManage makes complying with medication record keeping requirements for child foster care homes a breeze. Schedule a demo today to see more.

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About MedManage

Simplify Medication Administration Records and Daily Medication Logs, Comply With Recordkeeping Requirements

Use MedManage's cloud system to create a centralized repository of profiles for each child, along with their medication records and medication logs that can be accessed by administrators or caregivers in the field at anytime. Simplify record keeping by reducing the need for paper or online forms with personal info or medication records. Improve efficiency while reducing paperwork and medication errors with comprehensive medication lists, reminders and logs for each child that are stored and accessible securely with cloud-based technology.

My Medication List App
home health care scheduling software

Medmanage's Features and Benefits

Download MedManage

Download MedManage for iOS or Android for free to see how it works, or register directly by launching the web portal. MedManage is flat out the simplest and most modern way to keep track of medications.

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