
4 Tips to Help Older Adults Manage Medicine Easier

Taking meds when you are young versus when you are older isn’t quite the same! This is because as we grow older, our bodies go through a myriad of changes—many of which will manifest regardless of our choice. 

For instance, one of the most common things that people feel when they get particularly old is the fact that moving around becomes a lot harder and more painful. This is one of the more obvious changes, but what about changes in the digestive system? Your digestive system changes as you get older, generally affecting how well it can absorb the medication. Other things, like a slowdown in the circulatory system, can also affect how fast the maintenance medications you take will reach the liver and kidneys, and even these organs themselves can be working slower! As such, managing medication is a must for older adults to ensure they are taking the right medicine at the right amounts at the right time to maximize their health.

With that in mind, if you are looking for ways to help you manage your medications as you get older, here are some tips you can follow:

Find the right tracking solution

One of the best ways to ensure you are properly taking the medication is to use medication logging applications and other such software. You can also use things like phone apps or even notepads to do so—but we recommend the former, as these are often more efficient. 

Many applications can track what meds you are taking, when you should be taking them, and even remind you of any upcoming meds to take. They can be incredibly useful to help you stay on top of your meds, so we highly recommend looking for some form of software to track your meds.

Thoroughly read the drug label

Reading through the drug label is incredibly important. In doing so, you can understand what the medicine is for, how you should be taking it, at what dosage it should be taken in, any side effects it may have, and any warnings that may come with it.

If you do not understand some or all what the drug label has to say, reach out to your physician about it! They will carefully explain what the drug label is telling you, so be sure to note it down and follow the instructions when taking them.

Limit yourself to one pharmacy

You may be tempted to source your medicine from multiple pharmacies in an attempt to keep things diverse or to have access to medicine that the other facilities may not offer. However, this is a habit we highly recommend that you should avoid! Working with one pharmacy makes it much easier for the pharmacist to track what meds you have and check for any drug interactions between the medications that they may have provided to you.

Contact the provider if you run into problems

If you run into any issues with the medication, such as a bad side effect or an ineffectiveness, always contact your doctor about it. This will allow them to quickly figure out what’s causing the problem and make changes to your medication to ensure you make the most out of your medicine without the negatives.


Staying on top of your medication can be quite a challenge, especially in your older age. As such, having someone else act as your guide is essential to ensure that your medication is tracked on top of your own personal tracking efforts. This will help to make sure that you are taking the right medication at the right time and at the right doses, giving your body the support it needs to live a full and happy life!

My Medication Log is a cloud-based medication management system designed to help caregivers and patients to easily stay on top of their medication management. If you are looking for a medicine tracker in the US, check out our application today!


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