medical records

How to Get Your Loved One’s Medical Records in Order

Keeping an organized personal health record is crucial to have better health! While it goes without saying that your loved one should take their medications regularly, that’s not the only thing you should be concerned with. To ensure that your loved one is always of sound mind and body, you must keep their medical records organized and easy to find.

Unfortunately, depending on the medical needs of your loved one, getting their health records in order could seem like a nearly impossible task to accomplish. With the growing demand for medical care as we get older, you can expect to face a mountain of paperwork that could take hours and even days to organize. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the number of health records your older loved one has and don’t know where to start, don’t worry! Read our tips below so that you can get everything sorted and make organizing medical records more manageable:

1. Take Advantage of Digital Tools

Organizing health records takes time and work, but you can make your job much easier by taking advantage of technology. With the vast array of virtual platforms and apps at your disposal, you could ease your burden and save more time than if you were to do everything manually!

A medicine list app can help you keep track of the essential prescriptions your loved one should take to manage their illness or disease. With a list of medicines on your phone, you don’t have to find the right prescription among the piles upon piles of records.

Depending on the hospital your loved one goes to and their insurance plan, you may also access online records. By opting for online documents, you won’t have to worry about looking for a piece of paper during emergencies or worrying that a medical record has gotten misplaced. All you have to do is go online and access them there.

2. Keep Copies of Health Records

People make mistakes and forget a lot of things. No matter how well you organize your loved one’s medical records, you can never be too confident that every document concerned with their health will all be there or won’t get lost in the future.

Just to be sure, we recommend keeping copies of the medical records, whether by photocopying them or uploading a duplicate on the computer. When you have copies of your loved one’s health documents, you’ll have peace of mind that when the situation calls for it, you have what they need.

3. Create a Directory of Doctors

Although calling 911 is a reliable way of asking for help during emergencies, some situations will require you to speak with a healthcare professional right away. Instead of going through a 911 operator, it would be helpful to call a doctor to ensure that your loved one will receive the care they need as soon as possible.

When you jot down all health care providers, including their contact info, you’ll be able to get on top of an emergency medical situation without worrying about who to call.


You never know when your loved one will get into an emergency. In cases where they may need emergency medical care, it’s vital to access records to help health care providers quickly. All in all, having an organized collection of your loved one’s health records will help them live well!

If you’re having trouble organizing your loved one’s medical records and tracking their medication, our medication log app, MedManage, may just be what you need! By keeping a digital log of your loved one’s medication intake, it can help your healthcare providers manage their care better. Download the app today!

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