Manage Medication

Stay on Track: 3 Simple Ways to Manage Medication for Your Senior Loved One

Age comes with wisdom, but it also introduces a plethora of medications that tend to stack through the years. AARP finds that 75 percent of people 45-years-old and older have some form of prescription, but taking the medicines isn’t as straightforward as it seems. 

Many medications have strict instructions, such as consuming the drugs with a full stomach, others should be taken an hour before eating, and other complications that make the process confusing for the elderly. The more prescriptions and requirements, the more room for medication mishaps that can compromise their health. 

If you’re finding ways to help simplify the process, the tips below can help improve the medication management for your senior loved ones: 

Tip #1: Use a Pill Organizer with Labels to Pre-Plan Each Week’s Medication 

Keeping different medications, vitamins, and supplements in different locations around the house can be confusing and facilitate disaster one way or another. One way to cut the confusion and promote a straightforward system is to gather all medications into one central location. 

Of course, jamming it all in a box can be just as confusing, so take the extra step by adding labels to the pill organizer. Labels are particularly helpful in ensuring older adults don’t take one medication for another, especially between OTC drugs and prescription medications as it can result in life-threatening reactions. 

Pre-planning the medication also lays it all down, increasing the chances of creating a seamless experience for seniors. Splitting the doses for certain medications is another great way to stay on top of their medications. 

Tip #2: Utilize Medication Management Apps 

Older adults with an intensive medication plan can fumble around for the right pills, especially when it comes to consuming it at the proper time and instructions. This is where technologies like medication management apps come in handy. 

Quality apps offer a multifaceted package that can remind the elderly when it’s time to take their medication, along with helping them identify the right pill. Other features also include drug interaction checkers, which evaluate newly added medication to ensure it is compatible with other pills in the plan. 

Tip #3: Establish a Routine 

In addition to medication tracking apps, you can also reinforce a stronger management system by incorporating the medication into their daily routine. Pills that require you to take before meal times can be set before they brush their teeth in the mornings. Others that require a full stomach can be scheduled at mealtimes, while some are best taken when going to bed at night. 

Either way, creating a routine helps the elderly remember the proper medication and reduce the risk of making blunders along the way. 

The Bottom Line: Technology Can Help the Elderly Improve their Medication Management For a Better Well-Being 

Looking for something that can help your senior loved ones keep up with their medication? Medication management is crucial for their overall health, so simplifying the process using technology ensures you and your elderly family members can have peace of mind. 

Speaking of which, My Medication Log offers an excellent and easy-to-use medication reminder app in the USA. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help senior citizens stay on track of their medications. 

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