pills in a purple jar

Taking Your Birth Control Pills: Tips to Always Be on Time

Perfection is hard to come by, and if you’re juggling a long list of priorities all at the same time, you’ve probably faced the gruesome reality of forgetting to take your birth control pill for the day. That is a terrible reality to face, mainly because birth controls medications are designed to keep you protected from unwanted pregnancy. It’s one of the most innovative discoveries of our time, but as with any kind of medication, taking it can be a little frustrating at times. They’re so easy to take that they’re extremely forgettable! You’ve wondered one too many times why they’re so difficult to remember, and the truth is, you’re not alone.

Unfortunately, being on the pill means you must take it every single day at the exact time. Pregnancy scares are most unwelcome. To up your game on birth control pill reminders, here are some tips to consider:

1 – Write it down 

Individuals learn differently, and if you’re a tactile learner, put your planners and handy calendars to use by writing down reminders. Technology remains a good option, but it can get inundated with professional obligations, personal whims, and even social interactions—using it as your primary tool can prove to be futile for some people.

2 – Set up alarms

The traditional clock alarms won’t do, especially if you’re the type to reach for the snooze button instinctively. You may want to check out a birth control reminder app—its sole purpose would be to remind you to take the pill, so it’s a foolproof way of keeping yourself in check. The market is filled to the brim with various similar applications, though, so make sure you choose one that best suits your needs. 

3 – Choose a specific time and stick to it

As beings of habit, having routines to operate our day are necessary. For the best results, integrate your birth control pill intake into your routine, as this will make it easier for you to remember it. For instance, you can take the pill after your breakfast before leaving for work. Eventually, it will become like clockwork. To further strengthen this effort, you must decide on a time that’s manageable. If you decide to incorporate it into your morning schedule, make sure that you get up at the same time during weekends. Remember: taking your birth control pills at the exact time is crucial. It will not work if you choose to take it at 7 a.m. on weekdays but switch to 2 p.m. on the weekends.

4 – Keep them visible

You will have exhausted all means to keep yourself reminded, but the best way to remember is to see your pills. Strategically place it in areas you frequent, such as your coffee machine, your phone charger, and even your wallet. Keep it spread out, as this also saves you the trouble of forgetting your pills at home when you’re in a rush!

The Takeaway

In a highly digital world, reminders are plentiful. They also come in various forms tailored accordingly to an individual’s needs. So if your methods aren’t working now, try the simple tips discussed above. You’ll eventually find one that works for you, helping you keep yourself protected!

Are you looking for a birth control pill reminder? MedManage may just be the one. Apart from reminders, we’ll help you track your medication progress and history. Say goodbye to your pill-forgetting days—get in touch with us today!

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