
Why Is It Crucial to Take Your Medication as Prescribed?

Chronic conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol, epilepsy, and many other illnesses often require the intake of maintenance medications. Many adults experience these issues, and it’s not uncommon to take prescribed pills every day. In fact, at least half of all American adults regularly take at least one prescription drug.

When physicians prescribe drugs, they have to provide schedules and instructions in which the patients should take their medications. However, many people still fail to follow everything as directed. You may have heard of a friend or family member forgetting a dose, mixing up their pills, or adjusting the amount they take without consulting their doctor first. Perhaps you have mistakenly done this as well.

It’s incredibly easy to forget a dose or get your pills mixed up, but many things can go wrong if you do so.

What Happens If You Don’t Take Medications as Prescribed?

Medication non-adherence, or failing to take the prescription drugs as directed, is not a new problem. Many people do not stick to their schedules, and they tend to over- or under-medicate as a result, potentially experiencing many negative health effects. Here are some ways that non-adherence can impact your health:

1 – You Will Not Experience Efficient Results

Healthcare professionals put instructions in prescriptions for a reason, and that is to ensure that the drugs work as efficiently as possible. They will consider many factors, such as your condition, age, weight, allergies, and other relevant information that may affect how the medication will affect you. For this reason, changing the dosage or type of medicine without your doctor’s consent will make treatment ineffective. You will not experience the desired effect and will likely not recover from your illness. 

2 – You Will Become More Susceptible to Risks and Side Effects

Aside from not addressing your condition efficiently, taking your medication incorrectly can also be dangerous. You’ll be more susceptible to experiencing a drug’s side effects, especially if you take more than the prescribed dose. Ingesting the medication on an empty stomach when the doctor suggests that you do so after a meal can also lead to various problems.

Antibiotics are some of the most commonly prescribed medications, and not taking them as directed can significantly harm your body. This damaging effect is especially true if you’re experiencing a bacterial infection. The microorganisms can fester and become resistant to the drug if you take it incorrectly. Make sure to consume your meds as directed, even if you’re feeling better. 

It’s always best to contact your doctor if you want to make adjustments in your doses or are experiencing side effects due to the drugs. If you cannot afford the medication, it’s ideal to ask for a generic form or give you other treatment options. Never attempt to change your medications yourself.

Download the Best Medication Tracker App

Taking your meds as prescribed is the best way to manage your condition, whether acute or chronic. Failure to stick to your doctor’s directions can be unsafe and lead to severe consequences, so it’s best to always stay on top of your medication schedule.

Ensuring proper drug intake requires the right techniques and a little help from technology. If you’re looking for the best medication tracker app in the US, My Medication Log has you covered. MedManage can help you remember, store, and share information regarding your meds to ensure the best outcomes. Download and use our app today!

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