
5 Ways to Manage Multiple Medications for Health Conditions

Have you ever been in a situation where taking your medication has become too confusing? If so, it’s probably time to manage your medication schedule better. 

In the beginning, it can be a lot to take in. But as the days go by, you’ll start to notice that consuming the recommended medications daily isn’t so challenging after all. Here are a few ways to manage various drugs for various health conditions.

  • Source All Prescriptions from One Pharmacy

It’s more logical to source all prescriptions from a single pharmacy. Although it all depends on the drug’s availability in store, getting refills from the same pharmacy makes purchasing transactions more straightforward and seamless.

By getting refills from the same pharmacy over time, you’ll build a stronger relationship with the pharmacists who work there. In return, they can better assist you in future transactions that may require explaining new or uncommon medications. It is also better to have all your medication records in one place for your healthcare providers to evaluate your risks and help you avoid potential problems.

  • Ask for Affordable Alternatives

Consuming various medications at the same time can become quite expensive. If you’re having difficulty paying for them, never hesitate to ask your doctor or the pharmacists in charge in the store if it’s possible to shift to a cheaper alternative.

Most healthcare professionals understand that sometimes, medicines cost too much. All you need to do is ask for their recommendation, such as a different drug or at least a generic counterpart of it, which may be cheaper than what was first prescribed.

  • Utilize a Pill Dispenser

Pill dispensers are popular tools for people who are under various medications. It’s a simple plastic box labeled with the days of the week, which can schedule your daily medicinal intake. Instead of constantly checking your prescription for the medicine needed for the day, you can simply arrange every tablet or pill in the pill dispenser a day before the week starts and never miss any prescription ever again.

Another helpful tool that people can use is daily medication management apps, which help patients track, log, and manage medications daily. MedManage has created the best daily medication management app, now available on both the Apple and Play Store.

  • Refill Prescriptions Early

Running out of medicine is always a bad sign, especially for people who have severe health conditions. It’s essential to keep track of the medicine’s quantity and its expiration dates and refill schedules.

Missing out on a single refill schedule may not seem too much, but not being able to consume the daily dose needed by your body can lead to life-threatening scenarios. It’s also possible to ask pharmacists to schedule a day to get all of your prescriptions refilled to save time and energy in going back to the store at various times. 

  • Keep a List of the Medications

Last, keep a list of medications you take—along with the drug name, dose, and frequency of handling, and what it’s for. Make multiple copies of the list and leave one at home, carry another in your wallet, and give someone close to you like a family member or a friend for instances where you may have a medical emergency.

It’s never safe to assume that all healthcare professionals know about all of your medications. However, if something happens, at least someone can tell people about your existing medicines to make the following steps more accessible and safer for you. 


Managing multiple prescriptions for various health conditions can get a little overwhelming and confusing. It’s essential to take the necessary steps to ensure that you receive the correct dosage daily for the medication required for a specific day. Missing out on a single drug can lead to severe conditions that may become life-threatening in the long run.

MedManage takes pride in assisting patients to receive their daily dose of medication without missing a beat. Our medication list app is simple, yet we designed it for everyone’s efficiency while taking drugs to improve their health conditions. Download our application, available on both Apple and Play Store.

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