
Key Ways to Go About Managing Medication Efficiently

Managing medicine intake can be tricky enough, but even more so if you need to take more than one of them every day. There are many factors that can contribute to possible medication confusion, such as the patient’s age or how busy things can get. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated!

Read on for key ways to go about managing medication efficiently:

Establish a Relationship with Your Pharmacist

You’ll want to work very closely with your pharmacist, which means you should establish a relationship with them. They’re the main health care professional who can work hand-in-hand with you in managing your medicine intake. Aside from dosage updates, you can get advice when it comes to intake and travel as well. They will also be the key to being able to put your medications away correctly.

Listen Carefully When Instructed

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning. Sometimes people just get the gist of the prescription but don’t take the time to really understand all the important details. It’s a good way to set parameters regarding the medication that can help in the prevention of adverse reactions down the line. Some medicines will end up triggering side effects such as fatigue and insomnia. 

You don’t want to miss out on important medication notes like whether or not a pill can be taken on an empty stomach, or if it will make you particularly drowsy which means you shouldn’t drive or operate heavy machinery soon after. Moreover, you might be caught unaware by any side effects that can end up disrupting your day-to-day life. If anything’s not clear, ask until it is. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Take Note of Any Changes

Over the passing of time or during refills, there could be changes to certain medicines. This can include the way a pill looks whether in color or shape. However, what the medication contains will likely be the same. That said, it’s also possible for human error to occur when prescriptions get filled out. Make sure that you have a list of the visual characteristics of the pills you get: approximate size, color, size, shape, and even any imprints. Don’t hesitate to contact your pharmacist for clarifications if you notice any changes in the medication you get.

Organization plays a key role in medication management as well. Take these tips in mind as you go along:

  • Consider pill dispensers that are automated.
  • Label a medication dosage organizer with the days of the week and AM/PM.
  • Look into smartphone apps that can help to serve as a reminder.
  • Plan out your medicines a week in advance so the dosage and timing remain correct throughout.


When there are multiple medications involved, daily management can get pretty tricky. This can be due to something on the patient’s end, like being older in age, or external forces like a particularly busy schedule. It’s vital to establish a relationship with your pharmacist, listen carefully when instructed about the medications as they’re prescribed, and take note of any changes during prescription refills.

Are you trying to find the best medication tracker app? Check out My Medication Log today! We offer MedManage, a cloud-based medication management system for patients and caregivers.

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